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Getting started

build the index

After installation, you should see a screen similar like the following image.

start screen

To start building the index, simply press the START INDEX button near the bottom right. This will begin a scan of your system for all images and videos, starting at the folder that you can find in the text of the center box. Check the section on the indexing process for more details on how you can change this folder or add others.

During the indexing process, you will see a progress bar together with the name of the last file that was queued for processing in the bottom tray of the application. As the application finds faces in the images and videos, it will create new cards for every unique person it can identify.

Each card contains:

  • an image of the person,
  • an auto generated name that you can modify,
  • the number of images and videos that were found
  • a selection box and drop down menu button.
  • You can click on the card to view all the images and videos that were found for a single person. This will open a new view containing a list of all the image and video files.
  • Double clicking on an image or video will open the file in your default viewer.
  • You can also show the file in the file-explorer from the home-menu at the top
  • To go back to the main 'cards' view, use the back button, which is the first one on the home menu at the top.