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During the indexing stage, the application will search for images and videos that contain faces. This is a computationally intensive process that uses multiple neural networks to extract not just the location of each face but also the age, emotions, and relative position (pitch, yaw, roll) of the head.
The application provides the following features to control the indexing process:

Run - Stop

This does what you'd expect: start indexing or stop the indexing process when already running. The application will keep track of the last file that was processed if you stop the process before all the files have been scanned. This way, it can pick up where it last was stopped.
Similar for new files: if you add new files to your folders after a full scan has been done, you can simply start the scan again and the application will search for new files it hasn't processed yet.


This command clears the database of any previously collected indexing results. All files that were created during the indexing process will be removed.

Note: you can't undo this action. When the database has been cleared, you will have to rebuild the entire index again.


By default, the application will start looking for files in your Pictures folder. If you have files located in other places, this command allows you to let the app know this.

When activated, a popup will appear containing a list of folders. You can add new folders by clicking on the + sign and remove them by clicking on the trash icon after each folder.

Auto run

A toggle that, when pressed, will make the application scan for new files automatically after starting.


These 2 input fields define the number of files that are processed at the same time and on which type of processor. By default, the following values are used:

  • CPU: the number of cores your machine has - 1
  • GPU: 1

For most machines, it's not a good idea to push the GPU count above 1. It will eventually cause a data-transfer overload and restart all GPU processes. If you have a beefy machine however, go for it. The worst that can happen is a slow down :)

Equalize, Mesh & accuracy

In the default configuration, a mesh is calculated for each face. Not only to determine the orientation of the face and eyes but also to verify if the face is truely a human face. This can sometimes result in missed faces. To compensate for this, you can tune the algorithm a little according to your needs.

  • equalize: when turned on, the image will be equalized before processing. This can result in better matches, in case of high contrast images.
  • mesh: when turned off, no mesh will be calculated. This can result in more faces being found, but also more bad results.
  • accuracy: when mesh is turned off, it's best to put the accuracy higher so that you get less invalid faces. When mesh is turned on however, this is automatically turned very low to capture as mush as possible.